Tuesday, December 30, 2008
what xmas is all about

dave's wedding
me and my friend steve (just friends)
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Christmas Shoppin'
I went to the mall today to do my xmas shopping...people were so miserable looking..I had a great time...I made all the store workers laugh...even though parkin was a biatch I stayed nice and calm...see there is such thing as a xmas miracle....lol...I think i was in a good mood cuz I bought more for myself than for everyone else..hey it's my xmas too.....I got a bunch of new clothes for work....I needed tham and I got some great deals...anyways, dad and I are going out to eat for xmas dinner...a really nice fish restaurant...mmmm...then I am gonna go celebrate with my friends afterwards....well I hope everyone had a great holiday..i know you will cuz it's all about the kids..and you people have a freakin' ton of them...lmao....my friends daughter, Faith, is 3 so Iwill get to enjoy her.....it's nice being auntie joanne...I can send 'em home at the end of the day...anyways, that's all for know...love ya
Tuesday, December 2, 2008

New Beginnings!!!
Okay, so I started my new job yesterday and so far, so good. The job is about 42 miles away so the drive is about 45min to an hour ( depending on if i feel like a speed demon or not)..usually I speed so it ain't too bad...lol...There are about 25 or so employees ( only 4 guys) and they all seem very nice...my immediate boss is really nice, I have spent the last 2 days with her doing orientation and learning about all of the rules and regulations ( I didn;t realize that medical writing was so intense)....anyways, I work directly with another writer and a head writer ( NO Katie he doesn't write on or with his head!!!) He is the senior writer ( no katie, is isn;t that old)...hee hee...the senior writer, chris, is my boss as far as content of what I write but everything else goes through my division manager , Lynn ( the nice one I mentioned above). It's kinda like a little family there. Unlike my last job, they won't steal ur food and have general condiments for all to use///at least I don't think they will steal my food....every friday is "jean day"...whoo hoo that's my favorite thing..the dress is business casual so getting clothes won't be too expensive...my first project is to write a 40 page supplement on Parkinson's Disease that will go into a journal on disease management...the supplement is based on a series of lectures that occured at a conference...I had to watch the talks today, and boy were they boring...the guy who spoke was monotone and just plain sucked...but writing will be more interesting (I HOPE!!!)...anyways, it's all good for now...I just have to get uo early (6 a.m.) --remember I don;t have kids and have been getting up whenever I want (around 10 or 11 am) for the past 7 years..so the adjusting will be a little tough..I am already going to bed at like 930 at night..that's unheard of for me...usually I don't go to bed until at least midnight and sometimes not until like 2 or 3 in the morning..I guess I won;t be doing that any time soon...
Oh yeah....giblet hanging day was great...dad made a mean prime rib and then I went to my friends house for pie...she had like 6 pies but my fav was one another girl brought...it was a pumkin pecan pie...it had a graham cracker crust, then a pumkin/cool whip mousse type filling, followed by a fat layer of cool whip, then pecans on top and it had a maple type of syrup dripping from it...I never had anything like it, but I have asked for the recipe...maybe I will post it when I get for all to enjoy...ok well, it's 8 pm..that means I have an hour or so til I go to bed...how old-ladyish....anyways, y'all bee good...xoxo