It was raining something awful today....I just love watching the rain, although I am not sure why. I do know that I have always been fascinated by foul weather (lol...fowl weather...pic of a bird...hee hee ...i know I am gay) anyways, I remember when I lived on the beach in Revere, I would watch the storms come in from the Atlantic ocean....I recall going out in Hurricanes to check it out...there were always people out with their babies (which I never quite understood) that I have lived in Florida, I can appreciate the damage a real hurricane can cause...they are no joke down here....anyways, as I was looking out the window today, I noticed this bird sitting out the storm in the tree right outside my I tried to draw's my first bird...not too bad...I wonder if it really was the spirit of a loved one that is no longer alive...maybe my mom...I like to believe that she visits me through nature..whether it be a beautiful sunrise or a bird perched outside my window...Ok you can call the guys with the white coats
More WALK Pics 2011
13 years ago
i don't think you're crazy about the wildlife. wouldn't it be nice if it was so?
you gotta take all those small signs as signs, that's what i think.
and man, you are crafty!
pretty good! i never knew you liked to draw.
you're not crazy. i totally believe that those are signs.
Yeah I just started trying to draw in the last year or so. I took a class at a local art school and have just been practicing when I can.
Since you are not sending the guys from the insane asylum, I guess I can take the tin foil off of my windows and put the baseball bat
LOL, are you barricaded in your room??? Stop setting up boobie-traps!haha!
p.s. it's good to have hobbies. mine was having kids, I have to get a new hobby!haha!
you were tagged
read mary's blog!!!
ummmmm...did someone really call the guys w/ the white coats??? Where is this girl???
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